1961 (held in December, 1960)

103: Homer Sherk, Ashland

112: Larry Kelly, Fremont Ross

120: Tom Auxter, Fremont Ross

127: Harry Quakenbush, Fremont Ross

133: Gary Halterman, Ashland

138: Don Castle, Madison

145: Larry Finley, Madison

154: Larry Daniels, Madison

165 Gary Reedy, Mansfield Senior

175: Ed Forgatsch, Fremont Ross

185: Joe Rice, Madison

Team Champ: Fremont Ross.  MVP?


(There were only four schools in the inaugural tourney: Fremont, Ashland, Madison, 

Mansfield Senior, finishing in that order. Tournament was held on December 22, 1960)


1962 (held in December 1961)

103: Jim Burch, Madison

112: Ralph Starr, Fremont Ross

120: Steve Doerrer, Ashland

127: Larry Kelly, Fremont Ross

133: Gerald Nunn, Madison

138: Hass, Fremont Ross

145: Don Castle, Madison

154: Carto, Fremont Ross

165, Palomo, Fremont Ross

175: Bob Russell, Mansfield Senior

185: Ed Forgatsch, Fremont Ross

Team Champ: Fremont Ross.  MVP?


1963 (held in December 1962)

103: Art Gushard, Madison

112: Ralph Starr, Fremont Ross

120: Steve Doerrer, Ashland

127: Larry Kelly, Fremont Ross

133: Jim Beaver, Wooster

138: Glenn Barnes, Ashland

145: Bob Abbot, Findlay

154: Larry Daniels, Madison

165: George Potter, Mansfield Senior

175: Frank Siessman, Clyde

HWT: Bob Russell, Mansfield Senior

Team Champ: Fremont Ross.   MVP?


1964 (December 1963)

103: Jim Roberts, Cleveland St. Joseph

112: Joe Minadeo, St. Joseph

120: Ted Clark, Toledo Clay

127: George Stuller, Toledo Clay

133: Dana Green, St. Joseph

138: Jim Vick, St. Joseph

145: Bob Black, St. Joseph

154: Dennis Miller, St. Joseph

165: Gary Copus, Toledo Clay

175: Bill Donelson, Ashland

HWT: Frank Greubelink, St. Joseph

Team Champ: Cleveland St. Joseph.      MVP?    



103: Duane Ferguson, Mansfield Senior

112: Charles Barlee, Ohio School For The Blind

120: Jim Burch, Madison

127: Greg Gilmore, Madison

133: Robbie Fritzinger, Ashland

138: Bill Danuloff, Madison

145: Bruce McCartney, Mansfield Senior

154: Rusty Moehler, Madison

165: Virgil Cline, Ashland

175: Mark Camp, Ashland

HWT: Rod Norris, Ashland

Team Champ: Madison.  MVP: Charles Barlee, Ohio School For The Blind


1966 (December 1965)

103: Rusty Lee, Madison

112: Ed Price, Madison

120: Bob Bigelow, Mansfield Senior

127: Greg Gilmore, Madison

133: Jim Payne, Crestline

138: Bob Spitley, Bowling Green

145: Don Stewart, Clear Fork

154: Ron Wolff, Madison

165: Charles Cochran, Crestline

175: Bill Schmidt, Ontario

HWT: Junior Parr, Mansfield Senior

Team Champ: Madison.    MVP: Junior Parr, Mansfield Senior



103: Lonnie Mathis, Canton McKinley

114: Tom Kitchen, Ashland

122: John Holt, Mansfield Senior

129: Tim Kendall, Ashland

135: Tom Wolff, Madison

142: Larry Gorsuch, Madison

147: Bob Spitler, Bowling Green

154: Bruce Drye, Mansfield Senior

167: Reader LeFlore, Canton McKinley

177: Steve Mason, Bowling Green

HWT: Ken Hollar, Clear Fork

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.  MVP: Tom Wolff, Madison


1968 (December 1967)

103: Lonnie Mathis, Canton McKinley

112: Bob Wilson, Canton McKinley

120: John Holt, Mansfield Senior

127: Bill Rowley, Ontario

133: Emmett Jones, Canton McKinley

138: Larry Gorsuch, Madison

145: Dave Salvati, Crestline

154: Bruce Drye, Mansfield Senior

165: Gary Russell, Ashland

175: Phil Mayer, Madison

HWT: Bob Friend, Madison

Team Champ: Canton McKinley.    MVP: Bruce Drye, Mansfield Senior



103: Lonnie Mathis, Canton McKinley

112: Bob Wilson, Canton McKinley

120: Leroy Dillard, Canton McKinley

127: Larry Castle,  Malabar

133: Steve Steigerwalt, Ashland

138: John Geer, Crestline

145: Dave Salvati, Crestline

154: Rich McCullough, Madison

165: Dave Hartney, Ashland

175: Jeff Turley, Malabar

HWT: Tom Curry, Madison

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.  MVP: Dave Salvati, Crestline



103: Skip Holmes, Madison

107: Bob Wilson, Canton McKinley

115: John Sattler, Ashland

123: Mike Sander, Ashland

130: Stan Jacocks, Mansfield Senior

137: Joe Patrella, Mansfield Senior

145: Nate Walker, Canton McKinley

155: Bazzei Spencer, Canton McKinley

165: Dave Graham, Malabar

175: Wilbert Turner, Mansfield Senior

185: Greg Warndorf, Mansfield Senior

HWT: Tom Curry, Madison

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.   MVP: Bazzei Spencer, Canton McKinley



98: Willie Bronson, Mansfield Senior

105: Keith Watkins, Crestline

112: Les Fulk, Ashland

119: Bill Miller, Madison

126: Curt Tschnatz, Madison

132: Don LeVack, Mansfield Senior

138: Joe Petrella, Mansfield Senior

145: J.V. Sullivan, Mansfield Senior

155: Tim Keen, Madison

167: Vic Olivieri, Malabar

175: Steve Maples, Crestline

185: Greg Warndorf, Mansfield Senior

HWT: Chuck Davis, Malabar

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.  MVP: Curt Tschantz, Madison



98: Tim Smith, Mansfield Senior

105: Dave Vrabel, St. Peters

112: Les Fulk, Ashland

119: Bill Miller, Madison

126: Mike Lemaster, Crestview

132: Skip Holmes, Madison

138: Mike Owens, Madison

145: Jeff Wilkinson, Lexington

155: Greg Bishop, Ashland

167: Ken Heyde, Ashland

175: Larry Lowery, St. Peter's

185: Bill Metz, Madison

HWT: John Hafford, Mansfield Senior

Team Champ: Ashland.  MVP?



98: Bill Selmon, Mansfield Senior

105: Ray Shock, Ashland

112: Tim Shiltz, Mansfield Senior

119: Lloyd Tate, Mansfield Senior

126: Dan Hockley, Crestview

132: Steve Oswalt, Crestview

138: Mike Owens, Madison

145: Nate Johnson, Oberlin

155: Jim Clark, Oberlin    ***

167: Brad Dalton, Crestview

175: Paul Johnson, Mansfield Senior

185: Anthony Blue, Mansfield Senior

HWT: Larry Stacco, Madison

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.  MVP: Jim Clark, Oberlin



98: Bill Selmon, Mansfield Senior

105: Mike Higgins, Ontario

112: Jon Monroe, Oberlin

119: Charles Williams, Mansfield Senior

126: Lloyd Tate, Mansfield Senior

132: Joe Morganstern, Madison

138: Ben Isabel, Oberlin

145: Ted Sauder, Ashland

155: Toby Matney, Malabar

167: Frank Poth, Crestview

175: Scott Boals, Malabar

185: Larry Knapp

HWT: Larry Stacco, Madison

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.  MVP: Ted Sauder, Ashland



98: Tony Munoz, Fremont Ross

105: Bill Selmon, Mansfield Senior

112: Dan Cho, Malabar

119: Lloyd Tate, Mansfield Senior

126: Ralph Cook, Madison

132: Ben Williams, Mansfield Senior

138: Todd Wigton, Oberlin

145: Scott Shores, Crestview

155: Toby Matney, Malabar

167: Paul Patrella, Mansfield Senior

175: Bruce Campbell, Oberlin

185: Doug Cicillian, Ashland

HWT: Mac Morrison, Ashland

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.  MVP: Toby Matney, Malabar



98: Reggie Johnson, Crestview ***

105: Rick Siegel, Lexington

112: Gary Hightower, Mansfield Senior ***

119: Randy Brauchler, Ontario

126: Dan Cho, Malabar

132: Ed Favors, Mansfield Senior

138: Fred Brownlee, Mansfield Senior

145: Brett Edwards, Madison

155: Rod Gray, Crestview

167: Dale Bradford, Oberlin

175: Bruce Campbell, Oberlin ***

185: Bret Burrer, Oberlin

HWT: Mike Haynes, Madison

Team Champ: Oberlin.   MVP Reggie Johnson, Crestview



98: John Selmon, Mansfield Senior

105: Reggie Johnson, Crestview

112: Rick Siegel, Lexington

119: Steve Owens, Mansfield Senior

126: Jim Bender, Ashland

132: Randy Brauchler, Ontario

138: Steve Boreman, Ashland

145: Jeff Divelbiss, Mansfield Senior

155: Wayne Walker, Oberlin

167: Craig Underwood, Ontario

175: Rod Gray, Crestview

185: Brent Burrer, Oberlin

HWT: Tom Fultz, Ontario

Team Champion: Ontario.  MVP Jeff Divelbiss, Mansfield Senior



98: Lavelle Williams, Mansfield Senior

105: Mike Prendergast, Madison

112: Darren Owens, Madison

119: Mike Miller, Ashland

126: Jay Kmetz, St. Peter's

132: John Haney, Mansfield Senior

138: John Miller, Ashland

145: Jeff Divelbiss, Mansfield Senior

155: Brian Whitaker, Ontario

167: Rod Harrod, Madison

175: Dennis Ferguson, Mansfield Senior

185: Drew Squires, Madison

HWT: Tom Fultz, Ontario

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.  MVP: Tom Fultz, Ontario



98: Bill Damude, Madison

105: Lavelle Williams, Mansfield Senior

112: Terry McBride, Ontario

119: Todd Mathews, Madison

126: Morgan Kiser, Mansfield Senior

132: Hal Maxfield, Madison

138: Bill Flanegan, Ontario

145: Tim Cline, Ontario

155: Paul Twyman, Mansfield Senior

167: Rod Harrod, Madison

175: Vernon Dyer, Crestview

185: Ron Meyer, Ashland

HWT: Frank Reed, Ontario

Team Champ: Mansfield Senior.   MVP: Todd Mathews, Madison



98: Carter Young, Shelby

105: Doug Arlin, Galion

112: Mitch Shifer, Bucyrus

119: Todd Mathews, Mansfield Senior

126: Brian Heminger, Northmor

132: Morgan Kiser, Mansfield Senior

138: Andre Parks, Fremont Ross

145: Tim Mathias, Lexington

155: Rick Walker, Galion

167: Tim Eckert, Ontario

175: Doug Stauffer, Bucyrus

185: Tim Swanger, Shelby

HWT: Dave Crecelius, Ashland

Team Champ: Ontario.  MVP: Andre Parks, Fremont Ross



98: Rod Arthur, Lima Shawnee

105: John Nelson, Lexington

112: Gary Divelbiss, Mansfield Senior

119: Paul Darson, Mansfield Senior

126: Craig Papst, Ontario

132: John Garrett, Ashland

138: Mark Reep, Ashland

145: Nick Brandt, Mansfield Senior

155: King Mayse, Marion Harding

167: Wynn Kearns, Clear Fork

175: Dan Acuna, Ashland

185: Terry Wiseman, Lexington

HWT: Dave Crecelius, Ashland

Team Champ: Ontario.   MVP: Wynn Kearns, Clear Fork



98: Bill Benjamin, Mansfield Senior

105: Dan Barnett, Willard

112: Brett Penager, Lexington

119: Gary Divelbiss, Mansfield Senior

126: Paul Darson, Mansfield Senior

132: Craig Papst, Ontario

138: Mark Reep, Ashland

145: Ron Gharbo, Worthington

155: King Mayse, Marion Harding

167: Dwayne Sheehe, Ontario

175: Bob Bauman, Worthington

185: Fred McClellan, Worthington

HWT: Terry Ousley, Willard

Team Champ: Worthington.    MVP: Gary Divelbiss, Mansfield Senior



98: Sean Hart, Worthington

105: Tim Dewitt, Worthington

112: Bob Weaver, Worthington

119: Brett Penager, Lexington

126: Todd Kane, Worthington

132: Andy Furnas, Worthington

138: Vic Staley, Ashland

145: Kevin Hamilton, Worthington

155: Ron Gharbo, Worthington

167: King Mayse, Marion Harding

175: John Nungesser, Madison

185: Dave Myers, Ontario

HWT: Andy Yockey, St. Peter's

Team Champ: Worthington.     MVP: Ron Gharbo, Worthington



98: Dan Schaub, Ashland

105: Troy Everly, Galion

112: Rod Piper, Ashland

119: Doug Park, Crestview

126: Brett Penager, Lexington

132: Torence Moton, Mansfield Senior

138: Eric McGlaughlin, Madison

145: Billy Stevens, Mansfield Senior

155: Jan Waterer, Galion

167: Doug Stover, Willard

175: Bob Kipp, Madison

185: Steve Freelon, Ashland

HWT: Roger Stephens, Willard

Team Champ: Ashland.    MVP: Torence Moton, Mansfield Senior



98: Carl Blunt, Willard

105: Scott Kintner, Galion

112: Matt Long, Galion

119: Jim Speelman, St. Peter's

126: Randy Thomas, Lexington

132: Perry Ohl, Ontario

138: Ron Roberts, Shelby

145: Thad Rosenberger, Mansfield Senior

155: Duke Barker, Mansfield Senior

167: Mike Huston, Lancaster

175: Billy Joe Thomas, Ashland

185: Ron Young, Lancaster

HWT: Ozzie Williams, Mansfield Senior

Team Champ: Galion.   MVP: Ron Roberts, Shelby



98: Brent White, Shelby

105: Scott Kintner, Galion

112: Jim Dolin, Bucyrus

119: Dan Schaub, Ashland

126: Perry Ohl, Ontario   ***

132: Randy Thomas, Lexington

138: Bob Mitchell, Madison

145: Kyle Mayse, Marion Harding

155: Chris Gibson, Madison

167: Mike Remy, Galion

175: Mike Huston, Lancaster

185: Chris Barnett, Galion

HWT: Mike Henthorn, Ashland

Team Champ: Galion.   MVP: Chris Gibson, Madison



98: Brent White, Shelby

105: Bob Simon, Madison

112: Erik Burnett, Oberlin   ***

119: Bill Myers, Sandusky St. Mary's

126: Todd Kunze, Galion

132: Matt Long, Galion

138: Eric Chandler, Galion

145: Dan DeNero, Galion

155: Kyle Mayse, Marion Harding

167: Craig Evert, Marion Harding

175: Chris Campbell, Galion

185: Mark Huffman, Lexington

HWT: Bill Shade, Madison

Team Champ: Galion.   MVP: Erik Burnett, Oberlin



103: Dave Smith, Lexington

112: Tony Amorose, Worthington

119: Marc Sheldon, Willard

125: Dave Denslow, Ashland

130: Bob Andy, Ashland

135: Cyrus McKinney, Worthington

140: Greg Cayse, Ashland

145: Dean Pearson, Ashland

152: Steve Newcombe, Worthington

160: Rob Righi, Worthington

171: Bill Hawkins, Lexington

189: Scott Huffman, Lexington

HWT: Chad Weaver, Lexington

Team Champ: Worthington.   MVP: Steve Newcombe, Worthington



103: Dan Smith, Lexington

112: Dave Smith, Lexington

119: Kevin Haring, Ontario

125: Tony Ramirez, Mansfield Senior

130: Bob Andy, Ashland

135: Craig Kozinksi, Bucyrus

140: Bryan Schwartz, Worthington

145: Marc Cofer, Willard

152: Chad O'Conner, Worthington

160: Shad Nye, Clear Fork

171: Shon McCormick, Shelby

189: Chad Beachler, Loudonville

HWT: Marty Augenstein, Loudonville

Team Champ: Worthington.  MVP: Chad Beachler, Loudonville



103: Jason Allen, Worthington

112: C.J. Miller, Ashland

119: Kevin Haring, Ontario

125: Mark Patton, Shelby

130: John Fetter, Marion Harding

135: Mike Marvich, Marion Harding

140: Monty Ohl, Ontario  ***

145: Jason Lamb, Worthington

152: Matt Blubaugh, Clear Fork

160: Marc Cofer, Willard

171: Justin Lime, Ashland

189: Brian Pence, Worthington

HWT: Cal Dietz, Shelby

Team Champ: Marion Harding.  MVP: Monty Ohl, Ontario



103: Tracey Cole, Ashland

112: Dan Smith, Lexington

119: Rocky Ratliff, Marion Harding

125: Craig Rizer, Marion Harding

130: Jason Schrock, Shelby

135: Bill Rinehart, Northmor

140: Heath McCormick, Shelby

145: Matt Zellner, Mansfield Senior

152: Zac Pittman, Ontario

160: Matt Blubaugh, Clear Fork

171: Kevin Davis, Marysville

189: Jason Heard, Marysville

HWT: Cal Dietz, Shelby

Team Champ: Marysville.  MVP: Matt Blubaugh, Clear Fork



103: LeConte Merrell, St. Peter's

112: Jason Mease, Bucyrus

119: Greg Allen, Madison

125: Craig Rizer, Marion Harding

130: Rocky Ratliff, Marion Harding

135: Luke Wimmers, Marysville

140: Pete Arnold, Marysville

145: Heath McCormick, Shelby

152: Dave McDonald, Madison

160: Ryan Cover, Crestview

171: Matt Blubaugh, Clear Fork

189: Trent Patrick, Shelby

HWT: Rod Roston, Galion

Team Champ: Shelby.   MVP: Ryan Cover, Crestview



103: Steve Wilcox, Marysville

112: Matt Fratta, Willard

119: Wayne Johnson, West Holmes

125: Ted Zuercher, West Holmes

130: Scott Papay, Shelby

135: Jason Franks, West Holmes

140: Rocky Ratliff, Marion Harding

145: Heath McCormick, Shelby

152: Scott Couch, Mansfield Senior

160: Shawn Dailey, Mount Vernon

171: Wade Roberts, Shelby

189: Eric Wood, Ashland

HWT: Sam Lybarger, Shelby

Team Champ: Mount Vernon.  MVP: Rocky Ratliff, Marion Harding



103: C. Thompson, Marion Harding

112: Matt Franta, Willard

119: D. Smith, Hilliard

125: Jason Mease, Bucyrus

130: Scott Papay, Shelby

135: J. Bryant, Hilliard

140: Phil Studer, Madison

152: Mike Campanella, Bucyrus

160: Brady Wegesin, Galion

171: Matt Barnett, Galion

189: Eric Wood, Ashland

HWT: Toby Kerschner, Ashland

Team Champ: Hilliard.   MVP: Matt Fratta, Willard



103: Roger Merrell, Mansfield Senior

112: Greg Longood, Mansfield Senior

119: Steve Doerrer, Hilliard   ***

125: Jason Perry, Ontario

130: Matt McCreary, Marion Harding

135: Matt Rings, Marysville

140: Jason Miller, Lexington

145: Josh Bryant, Hilliard   ***

152: Brian Funk, Mansfield Senior

160: Dinos Angelas, Madison

171: John McGregor, Madison

189: Tim Rayburn, Hilliard

215: Morgan Cotter, Marysville

HWT: Toby Kershner, Ashland

Team Champ: Hilliard.   MVP: Greg Longood, Mansfield Senior



103: Zack Davis, Loudonville

112: Drew Smith, Lexington

119: Roger Merrill, Mansfield Senior

125: Mark Cook, Madison

130: Derek Kuba, Marion Harding

135: J.P. Felty, Marion Harding

140: Matt Staten, Hilliard

145: Matt McCreary Marion Harding

152: John Armrose, Northmor

160: Matt Tyrrell, Galion

171: Destry Blamer, Hilliard

189: John Hinton: Northmor

215: Matt Makeever, Bucyrus

HWT: Marion Harding.  MVP: J.P. Felty, Marion Harding



103: Jeremy Clum, Northmor

112: Zack Davis. Loudonville

119: Roger Merrell, Mansfield Senior  ***

125: Brian Wilson, West Holmes

130: Jeremy Carter, Loudonville

135: J.P. Felty, Marion Harding  ***

140: Jim Dixon, West Holmes

145: Shannon Smith, Marion Harding

152: Corey Auker, Mount Vernon

160: Ryan Hieber, Galion

171: Mark Cooper, Mount Vernon

189: Clell Cox, Ashland

215: Matt Makeever, Bucyrus

HWT: Carl Rayburn, Hilliard

Team Champ: Hilliard.  MVP: Roger Merrell, Mansfield Senior



103: Joe McCreary, Marion Harding

112: Nick McGuire, Hilliard

119: Mark Lybarger, Mount Vernon

125: Jeff Ratliff, Marion Harding  ***

130: Soungie Sarge, East Liverpool

135: Adam Partee, Hilliard

140: Brad Hansen, Lexington

145: Adam Gilmore, Galion

152: Corey Auker, Mount Vernon

160: Jeff Wright, East Liverpool

171: Justin McGregor, Madison

189: Matt Salisberry, East Liverpool

215: Mitch Shumate, Galion

HWT: Ben Householder, Ashland

Team Champ: Galion.  MVP: Jeff Wright, East Liverpool


No tournament in 1999 (weather cancellation)



103: Tyler Scott, Loudonville  ***

112: Chad Adkins, Shelby

119: Noah Blankenship, Bucyrus

125: Dan Frye, Ontario

130: Vince Davis, Loudonville

135: Mark Lybarger, Mount Vernon

140: Josh Yetzer, Madison

145: Keith Fisher, Ashland

152: Nate Yetzer, Madison  ***

160: C.B. Dollaway, Northmor

171: Matt Poland, Crestview

189: Ryan Kirst, Lexington

215: Tom Spreng, Mount Vernon

HWT: Jawaun Irving, Mansfield Senior

Team Champ: Northmor.  MVP: Nate Yetzer, Madison



103: Mike Compton, Willard

112: Tyler Scott, Loudonville

119: N. Shearer, Clyde

125: A.J. Wenger, Northmor

130: Trey Vince, Upper Sandusky

135: Tom Smith, Cardington

140: Andy Kring, Ashland

145: Mike Parsons, Loudonville

152: Tommy Baurer, Ashland

160: Dave Weinandy, Bucyrus

171: C.B.Dollaway, Northmor

189: Ryan Kirst, Lexington

215: Anderson, Marysville

HWT: Bevington, Mount Vernon

Team Champ: Mount Vernon.   MVP: Ryan Kirst, Lexington



103: Mike Compton, Willard   ***

112: Ryan Belcher, Mount Vernon

119: Darren Rowland, Upper Sandusky

125: Josh Pniewski, Lodi Cloverleaf

130: Trey Vince, Upper Sandusky

135: Tom Pfeifer, Bucyrus

140: Andy Krieg, Ashland

145: Chase Huddle, Marion Harding

152: Brock Mowry, Ashland

160: Dustin Imhoff, Ashland

171: Josh Ohl, Ontario

189: Zack Andy, Ashland

215: Bill Beechum, Marion Harding

HWT: Dustin Fox, Galion

Team Champ: Ashland.   MVP: Josh Ohl, Ontario



103: John Burdine, Mansfield Senior

112: Mike Compton, Willard   ***

119: Ty Davis, Mount Vernon

125: Colby Nuhfer, Willard

130: Donnie Hudak, Lexington

135: Trey Vince, Upper Sandusky

140: Jason Samples, Marion Harding

145: Chase Huddle, Marion Harding

152: Brian Baldridge, Northmor

160: Hiram Smith,  Willard

171: Dustin Imhoff, Ashland

189: Josh Ohl, Ontario

215: Paul Prosser, Galion

HWT: Dustin Fox, Galion   ***

Team Champ: Hickory (Pa).   MVP: Mike Compton, Willard



103: Tyler Wagers, Willard

112: Oliver Gray, Norwayne

119: Brett Kemp, Madison

125: Colby Nuhfer, Willard

130: Andrew Doughty, Willard

135: Brent Weisenstein, Ashland

140: Donnie Hudak, Lexington

145: Marc Hoff, Liberty Center

152: Brian Baldridge, Northmor   ***

160: Joe Studer, Mohawk

171: Hiram Smith, Willard

189: Larry Reichard, New Albany   ***

215: Richard Shaffer, Madison

HWT: Adam Hoppel, Beaver Local

Team Champ: Willard.   MVP: Hiram Smith, Willard


No tournament in 2005 (weather cancellation)



103: Brandon Rumple, Galion

112: Tyler McClintock, Galion

119: Tommie Graszl, Madison

125: Josh Speelman, Madison

130: Danny Clark, Lexington

135: Andrew Gushard, Marion Harding

140: Tim Putnam, Norwalk

145: Marc Hoff, Liberty Center

152: Brent Weisenstein, Ashland

160: Kurt Hess, Ashland

171: Adam Weiler, Ashland

189: Brock Kiran, Mohawk

215: Matt Clum, Galion

HWT: Zach Fraley, Lexington

Team Champ: Ashland.   MVP: Matt Clum, Galion



103: John Gould, Lexington

112: Bart Young, Medina Highland

119: Caleb Neer, Northmor

125: Drew McQuillen, Lexington

130: Justin  Yetzer, Madison

135: Josh Speelman, Madison

140: Tommie Graszl, Madison

145: Christian McEntire, Medina Highland

152: Ryan Thatcher, Loudonville

160: Brock Sowers, Mohawk

171: Hunter Reed, Crestview

189: D.J. Cummins, Cardington

215: Matt Clum, Galion   ***

HWT: Jesse Campbell, Black River   ***

Team Champ: Lexington.   MVP: Ryan Thatcher, Loudonville



103: Dan Mirman, Highland

112: John Worthington, Shelby

119: Nick Hile, Lexington

125: James Coulter, Cardington

130: Tyler McClintock, Galion

135: Josh  Speelman, Madison

140: Josh Pfister, Black River

145: Michael Cawley, Norwalk St. Paul

152: Steve Timoteo, Highland

160: Colin Nickolai, Piqua

171: Matt Schaefer, Northwestern

189: Brad Gallik, Lexington

215: Tyler Houska, Highland

HWT: L.J.Windom, Lexington

Team Champ: Lexington.   MVP: Josh Speelman, Madison



103: John Gould, Lexington

112: Brandon Gambucci, Lexington

119: John  Worthington, Shelby

125: Gavin Speelman, Madison

130: Nick Hile, Lexington

135: Dan Kardasz, Lexington

140: Josh Pfister, Black River

145: Drew Burrows, Lexington

152: Michael Cawley, Norwalk St. Paul

160: Kyle Kwiat, Tiffin Columbian

171: Geoff Hainline, Norwalk St. Paul

189: Rich Ulmer, Galion

215: Kyle Bailey, Shelby

HWT: Brian Selfinger, Lexington

Team Champ: Lexington.   MVP: Josh Pfister, Black River



103: Kyle Lang, Norwalk

112: Calvin Campbell, Lexington

119: Tyler Heminger, Northmor

125: Brandon Gambucci, Lexington

130: Nick Hile, Lexington

135: Jake Faust, Lexington

140: Dan Kardasz, Lexington

145: Drew Burrows, Lexington

152: Keith Yost, Wooster

160: Ian Humphrey, Lexington

171: Brandon O'Neill, Clear Fork

189: Rich Ulmer, Galion

215: Andrew Wright, Northmor

HWT: Cody Reeves, Massillon

Team Champ: Lexington.   MVP: Calvin Campbell, Lexington



103: Michael Evans, Mansfield Senior

112: Kyle Ferguson, Akron Manchester

119: Ivan McClay, Massillon

125: Tyler Heminger, Northmor

130: Nick Hile, Lexington

135: Jake Faust, Lexington

140: Reno Bucci, Clear Fork

145: Shane Brown, Akron Manchester

152: Lucas Cummins, Cardington

160: Brad Metz, Lexington

171: Dylan Bender, Loudonville

189: Brandon O'Neill, Clear Fork

215: Cody Thompson, Madison

HWT: Nick Wagoner, Shelby

Team Champ: Clear Fork.  MVP: Nick Hile, Lexington



106: Tristen Smith, Massillion Washington

113: Mike Hozan, Black River

120: Kyle Ferguson, Manchester

126: Calvin Campbell, Lexington

132: Kyle Lang, Norwalk

138: Zach Carter, Ashland

145: Jake Faust, Lexington

152: Dixon Johnson, Shelby

160: Brad Metz, Lexington

170: Brandon O'Neill, Clearfork

182: Jake Alexander, Norwalk

195: Josh Lehner, Lexington

220: Kody Bellamy, St. Mary Central Catholic

HWT: Beau Harmon, Benjamin Logan

Team Champ: Lexington.  MVP: Jake Faust, Lexington



106: Alex Smith, St. Mary Central Catholic

113: Spencer White, Black River

120: Mike Hozan, Black River

126: Ivan McClay, Massillon

132: Walter Gibson, Akron St. Vincent St. Mary

138: Jesse Gross, Norwalk St. Paul

145: Kyle Lang, Norwalk

152: Sheldon Struble, Bryan

160: Jesse Palmer, Mansfield Senior

170: Drew Kasper, Lexington

182: Jacob Kasper, Lexington

195: Josh Lehner, Lexington

220: Bailey Faust, Lexington

HWT: Austin Cary, Loudonville

Team Champ: Lexington. MVP: Ivan McClay, Massillon; Josh Lehner, Lexington



106: Sebastian Vidka, Black River

113: Alex Smith, St. Mary Central Catholic

120: Carson Mills, Fredericktown

126: Brandon Leyaud, Lexington

132: Major Moore, Willard

138: Josh Weber, Loudonville

145: Jacob Kluding, Norwalk

152: Jamie Balderidge, Northmor

160: Collin Keil, Anthony Wayne

170: Jesse Palser, Mansfield Senior

182: Drew Kasper, Lexington

195: Bailey Faust, Lexington

220: Deaken McCoy, Galion

HWT: Jacob Hanzel, Manchester

Team Champ: Lexington. MVP: Bailey Faust, Lexington



106: Alec Bailey, Manchester

113: Joey Bowen, Manchester

120: Alize nMerrell, Madison

126: Keysean Amison, Sandusky Perkins

132: Brandon Leynaud, Lexington

138: Colton Ullman, Loudonville

145: Derek Gross, St. Paul

152: Seth Boggs, Sandusky Perkins

160: Damion Vitt, Hopewell Loudon

170: Jesse Palser, Mansfield Senior

182: Drew Kasper, Lexington

195: Bailey Faust, Lexington

220: Jerek Cropper, Manchester

HWT: Deaken McCoy, Galion

Team Champ: Lexington. MVP: Jesse Palser, Mansfield Senior



106: Clay Eagle, Ashland

113: Caleb Yates, Anthony Wayne

120: Lamonte Chapman, Fremont Ross

126: John Smith, Mapleton

132: Colin Adkins, Bellevue

138: Juwan Minniefield, Perkins

145: Derek Gross, Norwalk St. Paul

152: Vincenzo Zitiello, Bay

160: Damion Vitt, Hopewell Loudon

170: Braden Neuberger, Norwalk

182: John Szep, Mentor Lake Catholic

195: Logan Vannest, Bellevue

220: Tristen Weirich, Ashland

HWT: Jared Hoy, Bellevue

Team Champ: Sandusky Perkins. MVP: John Smith, Mapleton



106: Austin McNamara, Ashland

113: Leondre Cooley, Sandusky

120: Cody Moosman, Anthony Wayne

126: Caden Blust, Columbian

132: Lamonte Chapman, Fremont Ross

138: Carson Speelman, Madison

145: Derek Gross, Norwalk St. Paul

152: Sid Ohl, Ashland

160: Noah Clary, Upper Sandusky

170: Garrett Barth, Fremont Ross

182: Caleb Wood, Fremont Ross

195: Josh Beaver, Ashland

220: Connor Johnston, Upper Sandusky

HWT: Devin Williams, Shelby

Team Champ: Ashland.  MVP: Carson Speelman, Madison